Great inputs, Angel, elaborating on these highly relevant contemporary examples! It's far too common to believe that migration waves are largely driven by the something like the "American dream" drawing people in, rather than people fleeing real world problems in their home countries, like poverty or war (which very often is inseparable from dynamics of the global economy and policies implemented by the U.S.).

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Yes. Kevin. I appreciate your vital distinction between voluntary versus (the actual) *coerced* consent to the massive cultural revolution in work family and life (that we inhabit still, (with profound consequences of alienation)). People responding to laws and circumstances for survival—such as current mass migrations of refugees from Central America—does not indicate desire but the absence of other viable survival choices. As Kevin Thomas says in his critical critique of Harari “It [falsely] presumes peasants always voluntarily opted for radically transforming their lives, on the basis primarily of ideas, ignoring the mass expropriation and enclosures of [their once utilizable] land….”!

The Palestinian and Ukranian people are being displaced through bombing rather than enclosures. Will the real estate magnates who *destroy to develop* gain gross profits ? Not until the people there and still standing ‘change their ideas’ to comply with the dictators and “developers” — or instead find the international resources to not ‘change their ideas’. It’s not primarily —or even usually I posit — about ideas changing; it’s about *what is possible to do to survive most decently given the particular and designed reality within which a class of people live.*

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